There are readers of this space all over the world so I won’t assume it is summer where you are or your summer experience is the same as those in my part of the world.
We've had a lot of unsettled weather this year. Rain virtually every day since April. But it's summer and I ain't complainin'!
The Expectations of the Season
This all has to do with a quieter simpler time when the sun burns the morning dew and shorts are the preferred garment. Where complaining about the heat is secretly enjoyed because of the secure knowledge that snow is coming too soon enough.
Summertime is reserved for time off and families, playing golf and afternoon naps. It’s that sacred time of year – especially if you live in a four season climate - where winter comes only too quickly. April through October are the months for living.
July 2009 Won't Be Forgotten
On July 6, a colleague I knew for more than 20 years took his own life. The shock will never subside. In the wake of this horrific unthinkable event have been countless rekindled relationships. Is it fate that someone’s life is cut short and people are brought back together? Is it meant to be? I can’t get my head around this one.
Then this past Friday, a friend found out that someone he knew passed away suddenly at the tender age of 27.
What Is The Lesson Learned?
I think it is to stop complaining about the rain or the cold or the money or the stuff that is simply not important and focus on each other.
August is here, enjoy every last second of it with the people you enjoy.
Let’s create experiences, not campaigns.
image credit: farm2.static.flickr.com