How your customers or clients perceive you? How they talk about you? How they feel about interacting with you?
Do you? Really?
Have You Ever?
Put yourself in the place of your customers? Walked a proverbial mile in their shoes?
Have you? Really?
Definition: Customer Service
You may have heard the story of Frank and Bob - the managers of two different oil and lube places. Both got the idea of offering a free car wash to every customer.
Frank printed up pamphlets, put a sandwich board out front, painted the window, put another sign by the customer service desk, devised a big advertising campaign featuring yelly-screamy creative – all to tell the world about this awesome extra thing he was offering with his service.
Bob simply washed people's cars before returning them without their previous knowledge and thanked them for their business.

Between Customers
Which guy had a line-up of satisfied customers who told everyone and which guy had to endure complaints from customers complaining who were unhappy about their less-than-perfect previously promised car wash?
Bob had exceeded expectation and Frank had created inflated expectation.

Maybe just surprise and delight. Possibily put your ego aside and just give great service. Perhaps tuck in a little something extra without making a fuss. If you do those extra little unexpected things your USP will become a lot clearer.
Do you think word
will get around?
Let’s create experiences, not campaigns.