I am an excellent sleeper. I am one of those people who falls asleep quickly and sleeps through the night. My internal alarm clock usually goes off between 5:30 and 6am.
Not This Morning.
You’ve been there. Dreams integrate with real life and it takes a second to decipher which is which when you wake up. I was doing just that at 3:41am today.
Twenty years ago, someone would go make coffee and read something or listen to music or open some mail or do some work or exercise.
World At Our Fingertips
With the Internet in most homes, we can now also search the world at 3:41am. And with social media, there are other humans up at that hour doing the same who may be looking to share and converse with us. It's almost 9am in London.
I signed on to Twitter just before 5am (with fresh coffee). My journey took me to New York City, Miami, Victoria BC, Helsinki, Montreal, London, Brooklyn, Ottawa and Perth Australia.
We discussed travelling, computers, music, business and marketing.
What does Twitter do for you?
Let’s create experiences, not campaigns.
image credit: twitter.com/knealemann