May 30, 2008

Look At Me

There is a resurgence of behavior that has been ongoing since cave drawings were the latest new gadget.

What’s fascinating about the videos on YouTube or MySpace TV is the countless pieces of crap that receive thousands of hits. Or the embarrassing auditions on reality shows such as American Idol or Last Comic Standing. Seriously, what are people thinking? Do they not have true friends who tell them the truth? You can’t dance, you can’t sing, you aren’t funny.

Wait, perhaps my friends aren't tellin' me the truth? Right. Duly noted.

Anyone with a modicum of interest begs for a creative outlet and attention. Andy Warhol coined the phrase nicely. We want to be noticed, to make a difference and the potential fame that may be attached is almost secondary.

What’s clear is there is a lot of talent in the world that deserves an outlet. Perhaps not in the form of pudding fights on websites, but that behavior may be a window to something else – some other talent dormant below.

I marvel at the craft required to create slick joke emails. These are not simple text messages; some include embedded video content and Photoshop treatments.

So the next time you feel the urge to film your buddy while he gets a hockey stick in the goolies, think about creative and money making ways to use your talents as a budding filmmaker in the real world. Just a thought.

Happy Friday!


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