May 3, 2008

Where Are The Fish?

Humans have been connecting since the dawn of humans. But we'll fast forward several million years and have a look at a study this week with 17,000 people in 29 countries from Toronto agency Universal McCann.

Here’s how Canadians stacked up…

Canada is in-line with the worldwide average of people who have signed up to a social networking site at 52%.
Facebook is the #1 choice in Canada with 54%.

65% of Canadians regularly read a blog and almost a quarter own one.

It’s amazing how open we are with each other. Personal information shared online. Pictures, phone numbers, fears, dreams, ideas, and thoughts, all for the world to find.

Ah but ...where there is openness ...there is opportunity.

We live in a consumer generated fragmented world. It is surprising that some companies feel traditional channels remain their only choice to build their customer base. A logo slapped on a flat surface, is not marketing.

Perhaps you are in advertising, marketing, promotion, or sales. If so, the adage ‘fish where the fish are’ has become a dicey proposition. If you don’t pay attention to studies like this, I wish you well in your future endeavors.


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