January 29, 2016

Just Say No

Just say no to accepting the past will repeat.
Just say no when you hear that negative self-talk.

Just say no to naysayers. Just say no to those who reject you.

Just say no to giving up. Just say no when you think you can't.
Just say no to letting go of your dream.

Just say no to letting setbacks stop you. Just say no to distractions.
Just say no to sharing your ideas with negative people.

Just say no to fear. Just say no to doubt. Just say no to stopping.

Just say no to being hard on yourself.
Just say no to disbelieving your ideas matter.

Just say no to avoiding asking others for help.
Just say no to average. Just say no to excuses.

Just say no to thinking it won't get better.
Just say no to people who hold you back.
Just so not to procrastinating.

Just say no to accepting you can't do it.
Just say no to emotional vampires.

Just say no to thinking mistakes define you.
Just say no to comparing yourself to others.
Just say no to not shipping your art.
Just say no to letting yourself stop following your dream

Let's just say yes we can and will.
© Kneale Mann knealemann@gmail.com people + priority = profit
knealemann.com linkedin.com/in/knealemann twitter.com/knealemann
leadership development business culture talent development human capital