Think about how you exchange ideas and connect with colleagues, clients, friends and family on a regular basis.
There may be days when you call someone’s land line, cell phone, send them an email, text them and meet them in person.
If the medium is the message according to Marshall McLuhan that would five messages. But it could be five parts of the same message and the medium is less important.
Content Is Data.
It is the raw ingredients to the meal and alone isn't enough. It's the reason restaurants can't charge us $300 for a bunch of unprepared ingredients on a bare table in an empty room.
Imagine if someone wrote a book but put all the words in the wrong order. Without sentences, structure, story arcs, characters and development, the content is useless if not confusing.
The pillars I use are: content, context and community.
You need data that connects to people.
Sell It Before You Build It?
We all sell a product or service that brings benefit to clients. But if we treat them like a commodity, we shouldn’t be surprised if they treat us like a vendor.
If you are in retail and you look at each person coming through your front door as someone who may get rid of that extra inventory, you may be up for disappointment.
You don't want them to do business with you. You want them to tell their friends and visit again.
How is your message and your medium working to build your reputation?
strategy. marketing. social media.
photo credit: sto resonlin epro