Your Title Does Not Define You
Humans are unique to any other species because we have the ability to reason and can analyze and solve problems. But that constantly gets us into trouble.
Justification for not moving forward on an idea or embracing others' input on a project can always seem to be explained in our clever minds. And this logic infiltrates our businesses, our work spaces and our team environments.
Pride and Measurement
We think we’re so superior because we can solve problems. But one could argue we create more than we solve. We are the only creatures who worry about what if, then and next. We are also the only beings who worry about having a purpose.
We want a legacy, we want our lives to mean something yet we seek approval from everyone but ourselves. If we can’t see it, no amount of awards or money will be enough. Without that feeling in the gut, increasing revenue can only sustain us on its own for a short time.
Think Like the Animals
Dogs do not concern themselves with that incident last July when they didn’t catch the ball on the first bounce. Cats waste no time worrying about your opinion of them. Birds fly void of any concern they’re doing it wrong.
Yet we spend considerable amounts of our precious time worrying about what happened, what’s about to happen and what might happen.
Teamwork is Not Just a Buzzword
Taking your business social absolutely nothing to do with a website This is at the core of business. We are not drones performing sufficient duties to deliver satisfactory results to the revenue line. We are people. We have hopes and fears and dreams and desires. And so do those working with us.
This is not to suggest your company should be a place where everyone holds hands and talks about feelings all day. But if we forget the human part, the business part may remain a challenge.
Making your company human may result in happier humans and a healthier revenue line. You have been warned.
Kneale Mann
image credit: flickr
original post: Jan 2011