January 3, 2013

29 Ideas for Leaders

Maya Angelou reminds us that people may not remember what we did or said, but they will remember how we made them feel. Here are some of the many reminders when providing strong leadership.

They will notice if you’re not carrying your weight. This is a team effort. Listen. If you say who's boss, you've lost the room. Be helpful. Help them improve their strengths. Share victories. If you think your ideas are always best, you don’t need a team.

Lead don’t manage. Each person is motivated differently.

Make it fun. Don’t let job titles get in the way. Say thank-you. Collaboration beats confrontation. Do as you say. Flexibility will garner better results. Remember you’re only as good as your team. Be fair and consistent.

The culture begins with you. Laugh often. Show grace under pressure.

Give the same guidance as you want from others. Know you don’t need to make every decision. Be present. Devote half of your time to their development.

Avoid temptation to take all the credit. Remember no one wants a boss. Keep in mind that group reprimands are not successful. Never stop learning

Leadership may be the most demanding, enjoyable and satisfying work you will ever do. Have fun!

Kneale Mann

2012 Top 10 - Aug 2012 | photos8
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