September 17, 2010

You Strategy

Anytime after now.

Part of my job as a strategist is overall business coaching. While I'm flushing out ideas with a client, I discover ideas for my practice.

We are in a collaborative time.

We should exploit our collective experience and knowledge more often. You can learn from your customers and that aspect of the relationship is rarely amplified.

I was in two meetings this week making suggestions and realized I was full of it. I wasn't applying similar ideas to help my business.

Sound familiar?

I was being a sayer not a doer.
Thanks Danny!

So I plan to say less and do more.
That's what we all need to do.

What is one thing you will do today that will help your situation?

Why are you waiting?

Let's create experiences not campaigns.

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image credit: crowdspirit
© Kneale Mann people + priority = profit
leadership development business culture talent development human capital