January 3, 2012

It's a New Year - Now What?

To millions, Christmas and New Year's are the most depressing and stressful events of the year. We have created expectations that far exceed what we may be able to replicate in reality and it can be tough.

The old adage that you can choose your friends but you can’t choose your family rings true for too many and that includes the workplace. My Holidays were filled with time spent in person, on phone and online to catch up with some of my favourite people. I hope you did the same. Not just at this time of year!

Later is Now

Most are back to work today looking at a list made in the haze of too much champagne that has now been added to the growing catalogue of items left to get to after the Holidays. If you're one of them, now is the time to decipher whether you made the to-do list to really do now or simply procrastinate in December.

Lists are simple to make. I have made more than my share over the years. They are filled with promise and possibilities written in a brave moment of clarity meant to push me through to completion only to fall short because the action was far more involved than writing about it. Let's try less and actually do more.


Kneale Mann

image credit: animationideas
© Kneale Mann knealemann@gmail.com people + priority = profit
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