December 24, 2010

Reflective Time

Something happens this time of year.

Obviously, Christmas is not celebrated by everyone but the business world is ruled by two dates around this time of year. And if you have spent any time doing any last minute shopping, we may wonder how far from the original meaning of the Holidays some have gotten. We push envelopes with communications and information but some traditions are deep rooted such as turkey and stuffing and brightly wrapped gifts.

Celebrations increase and the mood leans positive. I have too many people to thank here and would hate to miss someone but the number of people who I have had the privilege to meet through business and the social web is absolutely astounding. And if you have spent any time doing any last minute shopping, one could certainly wonder how far from the original meaning of the Holidays most have gotten.

Review. Recharge. Reload.

There is hope for a fresh new year around the corner and some new challenges to tackle with renewed energy. The world has limped through tough economic times – and perhaps simply because I’m looking for it – many look to 2011 with optimism.

I loved Mitch Joel’s post today about the myth of a work/life balance. This is our lives, this is our work, this is our world. I do take it personally and so should you. But in all of this, we can build that community and kick some serious backsides together.

Happy Holidays :-)

knealemann | email

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