A growing trend is the remote office approach. I was on a conference call this week with members of a client's company from around the world. It didn't matter if any of us was in an office, we accomplished a lot. With wireless, gadgets, wi-fi, webinars, telepressence, live meeting, email, phones, and many other solutions, there is no reason we need to sit at an assigned desk or in a meeting room every day.
Remove the Office Walls
I was speaking with a colleague a couple of weeks ago and the number one reason she moved companies recently was because her previous "boss" insisted everyone was in the office at all times. He didn't trust his team if he couldn't see them. How sad. Relax the reins and you will be surprised how ideas begin to flow. Let your team fly, let them out of the routine, and they will enjoy their work even more.
And when the weather begins to cool and you've taken some needed vacation time, you can keep this more relaxed workflow model. If you haven't tried it, you will be quite surprised how people will appreciate the freedom to think and create their best work in a way that best suits their process.
Your busy mind and your team will thank you.
Kneale Mann