It is not also to suggest it is all rosy and fun every moment because real work is being done. But what is the difference between the companies that many read, write and talk about compared to the businesses we pass by every day?
Perhaps successful business owners and managers keep these ideas fresh in the minds.
Stay curious for learning. Be curious about improving.
Be curious like a child. Stay curious through searching.
Stay curious about now.
Be curious, not judgemental.
Walt Whitman
Be curious in life. Stay curious about your mistakes.
Stay curious for questions. Be curious in discovery.
Be curious through listening. Stay curious in business.
Stay curious for you.
Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.
Marie Curie
Stay curious about others. Be curious with think time. Stay curious for next.
Be curious of leadership. Stay curious toward answers.
Curious people are interesting people, I wonder why that is?
Bill Maher
Be curious about possibilities. Stay curious about your strengths.
Stay curious and motivate others. Be curious for what drives people.
Be curious always.
Celebrate and embrace curiosity with everyone in your company and watch what happens next.
Kneale Mann | Leadership Strategist, consultant, writer, speaker, executive coach facilitating performance growth with leaders, management, and teams.