May 26, 2017

Defined by Busy

There are meetings and family commitments and chores and email and deadlines and calls and stress and projects and the list continues. We are busy people doing busy things keeping busy with our busy lives being busy.

Years ago, I worked with a mentor who compared the work we were doing in a larger city next to when he lived in a smaller urban area. He said; “Sure this is a busier place, but I’m not convinced people are getting any more done.”

Technology Tether

We have devices that can share information across the planet in seconds. There are virtual teaming solutions that shrink the globe. We have no shortage of ways to connect to each other. But do we really need to check our smartphones every waking moment in case we get an email we'll ignore because we're far too busy for that.

If you think if you can cram more into today than you did yesterday without paying much attention to any of it and grow your business, good luck. If you put the phone and busy away from a moment and enhance the relationships around you, I like your chances.

Maybe not, you're probably busy.
© Kneale Mann people + priority = profit
leadership development business culture talent development human capital