June 5, 2022

Something We All Share

They put a cast on a broken ankle; they give medication to the patient recovering from surgery; they prescribe pain pills for someone with chronic migraines. And yet, the stigma remains with emotional health because you can't see it on an MRI.

Key facts from the World Health Organization.
  • Globally, it is estimated that 5% of adults suffer from depression.
  • Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide.
  • More women are affected by depression than men. 
  • Depression can lead to suicide. 
  • There is effective treatment for mild, moderate, and severe depression. 
I am certainly not a doctor or a science expert but I don't agree with some of these points. I believe almost every human on earth deals with at least one episode in their life. And if it's happening to you, it certainly isn't mild nor insignificant. No one is immune.  

Check the Math

Depression isn't a one stop emotional shop; it is a range. I deal with emotional setbacks often. I work; I have friends; I'm in a wonderful relationship; I function and carry on. I guess that's mild but it doesn't make the struggle any less for me.

A past bad work experience; that presentation eleven years ago; that test I messed up at college. The amount of time I spend beating myself up over things no one even noticed, is exhausting. Some say it's not logical, but it's no less real to me.

Reveal in Plain Sight

Naomi Judd publicly talked about her depression for years. She appeared on camera in various stages of emotional and physical distress. She did it to help others and yet her depression told her the big lie and her life was cut short on the day before she was to be inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame.

We need to stop messing around. My emotional hurdles are just as critical as your broken leg. Enough tiptoeing around this health crisis that will take more lives than cancer. And death isn't the only result; most are struggling just to get through the day. This isn't a 5% thing; this isn't some "them" issue; this affects all of us. 

If it's something we share then let's share some help for each other. 
© Kneale Mann knealemann@gmail.com people + priority = profit
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