December 2, 2010

Can It Wait Until January?

This is a interesting time of year. The parties are starting to happen, people are distracted by shopping lists and family commitments. And yes, there is more to life than work. But it's almost as if some have decided to let the clock run out on 2010.

It's that time of year when you hear some familiar phrases...

• We want to make some changes, but we’ll talk about it after Christmas.

• Let’s reconvene after the Holidays.

• There’s no way we can get to that until the New Year.

• I doubt we’ll have time to give that much thought until January

• There are too many distractions this time of year.

• That is a great idea. Let’s table it for the first quarter.

• Let’s wait. It’s crazy right now and the Holidays are coming up.

• There’s no time to deal with that right now.

• We don’t look at any new business in December.

• How about we wait until we can have a good look at this after the break.

• Nothing happens this time of year.

• We can’t handle new business opportunities until after Christmas.

Is there an opportunity for you to get to it now?

knealemann | email

image credit: upstart
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