Importance Of Location
Location is important when looking for a place to live. Location is paramount when deciding on a website address. Location is essential when choosing who you work with on projects and initiatives. Location is vital when choosing to be nimble verses stagnant.
Making Useful Media
Chris Brogan wrote a brilliant post today about making useful media. If you work in television, online content, radio, journalism, marketing or promotion – take a few minutes and read this post. Then send the link to everyone you know!
Bad TV
Mitch Joel recently wrote a post entitled Bad TV. It's a great view of something that is dear to my heart - content! Mitch poses the simple question: Would you rather have bad tv or good internet? Read and share as well.
Short-Term Fear | Long-Term Growth
I spoke with a friend who is a senior sales manager at a prominent cell company last night. He has a customer who is worried about spending a few hundred dollars because his budgets have been frozen – even when my friend has shown this customer how he will save thousands in mere months.
The location of your psyche is even more important than the place you reside. Forest and trees are being lumped in with news reports about falling markets and bailouts.
In It For The Deal
My post-secondary life was a time of change in both my thinking and work ethic. I was studying to become a radio broadcaster and despite my complete indignation toward my high school “career” I felt it was time to go big or go home. So along with being the Program Director of the college radio station, a DJ and bartender at the campus pub, I also worked in a sports store selling shoes. We got great deals on the sweetest new shoes on the market. At one time, I probably had 30 pairs.
Deals Are Not Always Deals
I had to take two buses from my place to get to this job, hated the hours, disliked my manager but stuck it out. I finally had to resign because it was affecting all the stuff I wanted to do in my life at that time. When I did it, a friend asked me why I had stayed so long. My response: because I got a deal on shoes.
Location is important but often it has nothing to do with geography.
How is location important to you?