September 22, 2015

Keeping Healthy Relationships

The stats are grim; more than half of our relationships don’t work out. Is it because the reason we started them isn’t solid? Could it be because they don’t meet our expectations or we fail to meet those of others? Yes. Maybe. No. Who knows.

We change constantly over our lifetime. Our goals shift and our desires alter. My theory on relationships – at work or at home, with lovers and friends – is it requires two willing participants to keep it going and remain healthy. We all mess up but with kindness, openness, and trust, we can get through a lot together.

Silos and Departments

You can see it when team members disengage. It is at that intersection where the work is required to repair and save a relationship. Resentment and scorecards can damage companies and personal relationships faster than losing a big contract or letting a customer down.

It’s the work we do in our relationships that creates great stuff. When the proverbial chips are down is when we find out what we’re made of and how strong we are together. It’s easy to get along when the sun is shining. We grow most during stormy weather. It's been said a thousand ways but experiences make us better. And those experiences aren't always rosy and fun.

Being Right. Being Kind.

Humility is tough to hold on to when we’re upset or stressed. When we hurt those closest to us, it hurts us too. I’m no Pollyanna but we need to do all we can to repair our mistakes and save the connection with a wonderful person in our lives, or gather our teams to solve a business issue.

The release we may get from storming out of the room or throwing our phone over a silly argument will subside before we get to our car. Getting quiet and figuring out why a relationship is in our lives is the key to resolving most – if not all – of our conflicts.

Our most valuable resources are our time and each other.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!
© Kneale Mann people + priority = profit
leadership development business culture talent development human capital