March 30, 2011

Is Your Day 80/20?

Pareto Lives

Did you ever wonder where the 80/20 rule came from? The originator was Vilfredo Federico Damaso Pareto who lived from 1848-1923. It seems simple now but Pareto worked from the premise we spend 80% of our time on 20% of our progress. You can test it in every part of your life.

Marcus Buckingham subscribes to the theory that we should improve our strengths not work on our weaknesses. We’re told our entire lives that we need to work on those things we don’t do well. Imagine if all we needed to do was to work on those things we did do well.

Busy Busy

It’s funny to watch people complain about being busy and a full email inbox and too many meetings. Those are choices. Yes, we all have bills to pay but I wonder if we get some strange pleasure out of reminding others that we’re really busy. There seems to be no shortage of those conversations on the digital channels.

It's not easy to do but some of that time spent in meetings and doing email could be spent with your team deciphering strengths and the best way for every stakeholder to both enjoy their job more and spend their time more efficiently. You should also find one hour every week just for you away from everything to work on you.

How much of your day is wasted?

Kneale Mann

image credit: istock
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